87% of businesses hit by a cyber attack in the last year

87% of businesses hit by a cyber attack in the last year

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Cyber criminals are always lurking, waiting to infiltrate your systems and steal your data. They use automated tools to target businesses all the time.

In fact, I’ve just heard some new statistics that have sent a chill down my spine. They relate to how many small and medium-sized businesses were hit by successful cyber attacks …

Tech Update: Cyber attacks hit 87% of businesses each year

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Cyber attacks aren’t reserved for big corporations – small and medium-sized businesses are at a high risk too. And the stats are shocking. Our latest video shows how to protect your business from cyber criminals.

You may believe that cyber attacks mostly happen to big corporations… and your business is safe.

Well, think again. The …

Your staff are you biggest cyber security risk

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IT expert, John Miller, is warning businesses that the biggest threat to their data isn’t just dangerous malware – it’s actually their own staff.

Technology expert John Miller of Smarter Technologies Ltd believes it’s not staff acting maliciously, but being tricked by cyber criminals… often without realising it.

“There are many great cyber security tools …

The newest phishing scam is here!

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Picture this: You’re scrolling through your emails, minding your own business, when you see an image of that bag/gadget/pair of trainers you’ve been obsessing over.

You click on it… and just like that, you’ve unknowingly opened the door to cyber criminals.

Sounds like something out of a spy movie, right? But this isn’t Hollywood. It’s …

Tech Update: The latest phishing attack trend

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Heads up! Cyber criminals are always finding new ways to scam you – and this time it’s using images embedded into emails. Stay one step ahead of the game with our latest video. You’ll see how to protect your business from these new image-based phishing scams.

You probably know the drill with phishing attacks… don’t …

Human error – Your biggest cyber security risk

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Small and medium-sized businesses are the most likely targets for all kinds of cyber attack. And the weakest link in your chain is your people. Good cyber security awareness training is critical – for everyone in your business. But first, you need a strategy.

  • What’s your baseline level of security knowledge?
  • What are the biggest

Privacy alert: Change this setting in Edge, now

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If you use the Edge browser, Microsoft may be able to see images you’ve viewed online. But it takes one simple change to your settings to protect your privacy. Here’s how…

Don’t be mistaken, we love Microsoft Edge (and think you will too), but lately, something has come to our attention that we wanted to …

Tech Update: Make Edge more secure now

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If you use Edge as your browser, you’ve made a good choice. BUT… if you haven’t checked out the privacy settings, you’ll probably want to. There’s a setting in Edge that sends the images you view online to Microsoft. Our latest tech update video has the details.

Are you a fan of Microsoft’s Edge browser? …

Microsoft Edge just got a security boost

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Microsoft wants to make sure your business’s data is protected everytime you go online. It’s releasing new security-boosting features in its Edge browser. Our latest blog has the details.

Browsing the web can be risky. It only takes one click on one bad link to put your business’s data at risk.

With cyber criminals constantly …

Tech Update: Browse with confidence

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Don’t risk your business’s data when browsing. Microsoft’s Edge is introducing some new security-boosting features to help you stay one step ahead. It’s all explained in our latest video.

We all love browsing the web. But it can be risky – as it only takes one click on one bad link to put your business’s …

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