87% of businesses hit by a cyber attack in the last year

87% of businesses hit by a cyber attack in the last year

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Cyber criminals are always lurking, waiting to infiltrate your systems and steal your data. They use automated tools to target businesses all the time.

In fact, I’ve just heard some new statistics that have sent a chill down my spine. They relate to how many small and medium-sized businesses were hit by successful cyber attacks …

The Importance of IT Support for SME’S

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A poll taken by YouGov of 1,057 Microbusinesses in the UK found that although 85% of business owners polled used Microsoft Office programs, 65% were using old versions. This shows just how much businesses may be missing out on IT support and advice which could help increase efficiency, time and more importantly money!

Not only …

Start the New Year with a Bang!!

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Lets start the New Year with a bang! The New Year is a great time to look at your organisation whether that’s a charity , SME or large company and decide if any changes or improvements can be made.

We all know how much technology can make our lives easier and more efficient. But many …

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