Tech Update: Do you still need passwords?

Tech Update: Do you still need passwords?

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Next year, passkeys will start to replace traditional passwords to give us a more secure way of logging into our accounts.  Some of the big password managers are now supporting them, which is great news. Watch our latest tech update video to find out more.

A world without passwords is getting closer by the day as more of the big names in password management launch their support for something new – passkeys.

Right now, using a password manager is one of the safest ways to access your online accounts.

But passkeys are even better. They’re unique to you and your device.

When you’re logging in to something on your laptop, you use your phone to prove it’s you – no password required.

Microsoft, Apple and Google have all been rolling out passkeys.

Recent take-up among password managers means this will become standard across more sites more quickly.

We’re in favour of any move towards stronger security. And let’s be honest, no-one’s going to miss passwords when they’re gone…

If you need any advice to keep your business safe in 2023, get in touch.

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