Tech Update: Windows 12 is on the way

Tech Update: Windows 12 is on the way

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Windows 11 still feels brand new, but we’re hearing whispers of Windows 12 already. Want to know more? Our latest video tells you everything we know so far.

Windows 11 is only a year old, but it looks like Windows 12 will be here sooner than you might think.

Feature details are a little thin on the ground right now – and it’s likely even Microsoft hasn’t made all the big decisions yet.

After all, it delivered a lot of features suggested by Windows fans in this year’s Windows 11 update.

One thing that’s almost certain though – the requirements for upgrading will be less controversial. More PCs will be compatible with Windows 12 at launch, compared to when Windows 11 came out.

We don’t have an exact release date yet, but if the rumours are true, we should expect it to land at some point in late 2024.

We’re keeping a close eye on developments to see what it might mean for your business.

If you haven’t yet made the move to Windows 11 and need some help, get in touch.

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